Electric Bike Consultation

Book An Electric Bike Consultation

Book An In Store Consultation

Experience our ebikes firsthand. Feel the quality, take a seat, and chat with our ebike specialists who are eager to understand your needs. Get genuine expert advice tailored to your lifestyle in a relaxed, welcoming showroom. Connect with our team of ebike enthusiasts who live and breathe everything about ebikes. Here, you'll find real people who to share their knowledge with you!

Book An Online Video Consultation

Live too far away or have a busy schedule? No problem! Our virtual video call connects you directly to Scooteretti for a personalized one-on-one session on your computer, tablet, or phone. Whether you're in Canada or on the other side of the world, we're here to assist you from the comfort of your home, office, boat, plane.......

Book A Phone Consultation

Our certified eBike experts are here to help guide you on a quick an easy phone consultation at a time that works for you. No sales pitches, not hard sales just a no pressure phone experience with one of our experts who know electric bikes.